Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength. The 2nd is this: you shall love your neighbor as yourself, there is no other commandment greater than these. Mark 12:30-31
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Anchor Inasmuch 2 Coming Soon

About Good News Homes
Good News Homes was established in 1998 by what was then known as the Sulpher Fork Baptist Association now known as the North Central Baptist Network. In 2001, GNH became its own 501 (c)3. Good News began with a mobile home with one family and expanded in 2002 and 2005 to two transitional apartment buildings which were constructed with the help of approximately 80 members of the Baptist Builders, a group of volunteers from Oldham, Trimble, and surrounding counties. Now Good News Homes could house eight families. Further housing expanded in 2009 with the donation of the Wiano House in the Lakewood Valley area and the acquistion of RoseHaven Home for Women and Children which expanded housing to thirteen families in Good News Homes’ owned properties. In 2021, Good News Homes closed RoseHaven and sold the property, but then acquired a property at the corner of Anchor Avenue and Dawkins Rd. Funding from the Inasmuch Fund by the Smith-Bottorff family allowed us to purchase and remodel the property. Daily volunteers clocked many hours to rehabilitate the six unit two-bedroom property to completion in 2022. Good News Homes’ housing then expanded to fourteen transitional housing units and three permanent housing units. In 2023, our Board voted to increase our transitional housing by beginning the process of building six more units on Anchor and Dawkins Rd. Stay tuned!