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1998       Good News Homes was established by the local Southern Baptist Organization (now known as the North Central Network). 

2002       Smith Apartments in LaGrange were built by the Baptist Builders,  consisting of 4, 3-bedroom units for families with children.

2007        Bedford Apartments in Trimble County opened also built by the Baptist Builders and consists of 4, 3-bedroom units for families with children.

2008        Acquired RoseHaven I & II from another area ministry

2010         Received a donation of a 3-bedroom home in Oldham County.  The home was donated by a small group from Southeast Christian Church.

2021         Acquired the Anchor Inasmuch Phase I units consisting of 6, 2- bedroom units for families or singles.  Volunteers rehabbed the existing 6-plex and saved 40% on materials and labor.   

2022         Anchor Inasmuch Phase 1 opened; RoseHaven group home was sold to an area church.     

2024       Anchor Inasmuch Phase 2 plans begin; 3-bedroom house sold to fund the new Anchor Inasmuch Phase 2 which will increase our capacity to 20 Transitional units.



Our Vision

Good News Homes’ vision is of that day when the Oldham-Trimble area provides safe and affordable housing for all persons who are in need bringing Hope and New Life to each family through Jesus.

Our Mission

Good News Homes is a faith-based organization that exists to help displaced or at-risk families, especially those who are underserved, find housing and/or related resources that can help them become or stay self-sufficient.



Good News Homes provides Transitional Housing for families in the Oldham – Trimble County communities. Through transitional housing our families live paying a low-cost rent for up to a year while participating in a life skills program which includes budgeting, job skills, and other services as needed.


Good News Homes seeks to assist homeless and at-risk for homeless families in our communities by referring to other services in the area as needed, providing a listening ear and encouragement to consider other supports when we cannot provide housing.