Give us a call at 502-225-0351 or send an email to stephanie@goodnewshomesky.com if you or your organization are interested in volunteering.
There are many ways for you to help us give hope and life to those who are experiencing a crisis in their lives.
How You Can Serve
- Praying for Needs
- Get your church involved
- Childcare for Events
- Move-out Cleaning
- Deliver furniture to apartments when needed
- Host a fundraiser in your home / church
- Provide a hot meal for a working mom or for our RoseHaven ladies
- Organize a collection for needed items
- Landscape clean-up at Good News Homes’ properties
- Assist with our annual fundraisers (planning, preparing, implementing)
- Spruce up our properties with flowerpots on porches, wreaths on doors (we have 15 “doors” that could always use decorating and 11 porches)
When residents move out there is a need for someone to come into the apartment and do a good cleaning before the new resident can move in. Residents can stay for a year so this would be a once in a while situation. Some move out earlier and sometimes we have several apartments at one time.
If your Sunday School class or small group would volunteer to be on-call to go in as a team and clean an apartment as needed this would greatly help us as we have a small staff and it is difficult for us to do our jobs and take care of these things as well. It is costly to hire a crew to come and clean which takes monies away from those we could help; so you would be providing a great service in housing those in need.
Cleaning Needs:
- Dust woodwork throughout apartment
- Wipe down walls, cabinets and clean out refrigerator
- Clean bathroom
- Vacuum & mop floors
*We will provide cleaning products needed
Many times people have lost everything possibly due to fire, or a mom and her children placed on the street because of a bad relationship, etc. They will come to us with only the shirt on their back. In these cases we need to call strong men who can come and pick up furniture from a donation home and deliver it to the new resident apartment. Perhaps a Sunday School Class or small group could volunteer. This is an occasional need as residents stay for a year in most cases.
Good News Homes does not have enough space to store furniture so furniture donations at the time of need are greatly appreciated.
Painters are very expensive to hire so if your group would be willing to come paint apartments on an as needed basis we would love to have you! We will provide the supplies we just need you to supply the man power.
All our Transitional Housing moms will be attending Single Mom University which is a faith-based life skills program. A few volunteers are needed to guide our ladies through the courses they are completing, to allow for prayer, discussion and encouragement. We are looking for Christ followers who have a heart for ministering to other women who are in different stages of life and who have had difficulties that have led to a housing crisis.
Time involved would be at least once a month at the Good News’ offices, coffee shops or another agreed upon meeting place.
**This mentoring program will begin in 2020. All participants must be trained by Good News staff in order to participate**
We would like a group of individuals who will keep our prayer requests and needs before the Lord in earnest, persistent prayer. It would be great if you would send encouragement cards to the residents letting them know you are praying for them and should they have a prayer request to please place it on the prayer list.
Prayer Expectations:
- Ongoing daily prayer
- Encouragement cards to residents stating you are praying (give to GNH for distribution).